Tag Archives: ms mag 1.15

MS-MAG x1.15 magnifier for Leica M sold out

As we noted a while ago, the production of this magnifier by MS Optical has been discontinued and it is now sold out. A lucky gentleman from Australia will receive the last item we had in stock (too bad, as I wanted to keep one of those for myself :).

There is still hope for a re-release as MS Optical indicated to me that they are contemplating manufacturing it again.

“Blackbird, Fly” toy camera, MS-MAG 1.15x discontinued

Toy camera photographers, rejoice – the Blackbird, Fly camera is here and it comes in many different colours. The limited editions have all been sold out, but orange, blue and black are readily available. Supply channels for this item are still immature, so please be patient when ordering.

MS Optical informed us that the MS-MAG 1.15x is no longer made. This is due to overall lack of demand, especially Japan domestic market. We have just over a dozen still in stock and once these are gone there will be no more and the 1.35 will be the only choice.