Tag Archives: Chiba

Introducing Photosonics #1-火の用心

This is the first episode of what might be a genre-defining means of publishing and viewing photographs.  Inspired by the soundscape (音の風景) and optimised for viewing on a mobile device, such as an iPod, each episode of Photosonics contains one or more photographs paired with audio footage, often – but not always – taken at the same time and place of the photograph itself.

[podcast format=”video”]http://homepage2.nifty.com/megaperls/photosonics/Photosonics-1.m4v[/podcast]

In the first episode we join the members of the self-administration committee of a residential area in Abiko, Chiba prefecture, Japan on their traditional walk through the neighbourhood at the year end. The group is joined by volunteer residents. Together they walk in between the apartment blocks in the cold December nights with their flashlights, periodically chanting their reminder for fire safety. Curtains open in the buildings and residents wave and cheer them up, thanking them for their community efforts in the cold winter air.

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