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Self portrait with a new lens (Fujinon 210/5.6) picked out of a junk bargain bin – it works. Has a few scratches in front and a bit cloudy inside, nothing serious; also no retaining ring for mounting. Press shutters are so nice to work with! Taken with seriously outdated Fuji Instant FP100B45. Slightly curved up in PS. The old version of this lens covered 8×10 just about, this one’s image circle is supposed to be slightly too small (at least at infinity), although I have not tried it yet.


Street portrait

Fujifilm Acros 8×10, Rodinal 1+25 9m drum processed, Globe portrait lens (1880s), Fuji TONE Gaslight Contact Printing Paper

I was shooting from the footbridge when this lady got curious. I let her look on the GG and eventually asked to have her picture taken. Her mother is ill and she wanted to send this to her. Print on its way (hope I can find the address again). Something that appears like fogging on the leg area…


Fujifilm Acros 8×10, Rodinal 1+25 9m drum processed, Globe portrait lens (1880s), Fuji TONE Gaslight Contact Printing Paper

Unfortunately the negative has a flaw, you will see it looking at the nose area: a vertical stripe. Not sure what caused it, but suspect processing. Focus is not on the eyes, but just about works. Lens to subject distance about 0.5m, made for nice bellows extension (which I forgot to compensate for)… ho hum.

Ohba Closed

As perhaps the archetypical oyaji camera shop they were certainly never the friendliest, but had a solid selection of used cameras in all formats including large format at reasonable prices. This is like Shinbashi itself. No visit to the area would be complete without a quick browse at Ohba Camera. After 60 years in business, they are no more since 30 Apr 08. What a shame.