
The world of photography has always seen – and will always see – changes. However, a world of constant change is at the same time also a world of unchanging constants. While the methods to produce a photographic image are always changing, rarely do the motivations for producing it.

Japan is in many ways a major photographic centre of the world, due in part to being the home of the majority of camera manufacturers today. But it is not only about tangibles. Japan is utterly in love with this medium. There is no other place in the world where so many new photo products, including films and film cameras, both of which must be considered a commercial niche nowadays, as well as an abundance of photo books and magazines catering for every taste, are being produced solely to satisfy domestic demand, while still remaining a viable economic undertaking. Photography in Japan breathes at you anywhere and anytime, but some of that breath is rarely crossing the borders to reach the rest of the world.

A good personal introduction is more than a single encounter. Rather it is the basis for a lasting friendship with many future returns.”

Those who enjoy traveling to unknown territories know that for ultimate discovery a local guide is to be engaged. Japan Exposures is here to offer you a personal introduction to Japanese photography, the work that is being done both today and in the past, and the people and means used to produce them. And a good personal introduction is more than a single encounter. Rather it is the basis for a lasting friendship with many future returns.

The people behind Japan Exposures are active photographers with a deep understanding of the interests and needs of their fellow practitioners. We are personally connected to key Japanese photographers, galleries, publishers, equipment manufacturers and suppliers, and even academics working in field. But even more important than connections, we know that, amongst others, there are two immutable desires in every one of us: to look at different ways of working and to look at the work of other photographers. We are working for you to make this a reality and mutually increase both your and our exposure to Japan and its photographic wealth.

Please join us on this journey.

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