Rest of the World

Photo: Alf Johansson via Gruppo F

Photo: Alf Johansson via Gruppo F

In many ways the English speaking world seems overrepresented in today’s media. I am reading more about the great American photographers of the 20th century than others, just because I am frequenting a lot of English-speaking web sites. A lot of news are also based on English-speaking research, who often – quite obviously – have not bothered to conduct work in non-English speaking areas of the world (which is why you see a lot of references to US or UK in English language news). This acts as a filter omitting a lot of good material that’s out there. Since the mainstream on the net is in English, I think a lot of quality material is not readily picked up. Just my feeling anyway. This is more of a message to self: if you are multilingual, don’t forget to balance with trying to look at the other material as well. If you are not, just bear in mind that the material you have access to is just a subset of the whole, although you are often led to believe that it is not.