This web site accepts credit card payments via PayPal, an international payment service provider. Many people have reservations using PayPal, for a variety of reasons, which I accept and understand. However, PayPal is too convenient an option for payment processing to ignore.
On the PayPal web site instructions are given how to make the payers membership to the PayPal system optional, which is what I want to do. When trying to enable this option, I could not find the switch in my account settings and upon inquiry to PayPal’s customer service, I was disappointed to learn that […] at this time the PayPal account optional is not yet available to non US PayPal accounts. This means that a customer wanting to pay by credit card has to sign up for a PayPal account to complete credit card payment.
I am less than unhappy about this arrangement. However, it is possible to create this account even with minimal user information, and even without storing your credit card with them. The account can be closed immediately afterwards should you wish to do so. We apologise for the inconvenience that this causes and welcome your valued suggestions on how to better process credit card transactions over the Internet.