We’re shaken, but fine

Both Dirk and I have been receiving a lot of emails from concerned friends of Japan Exposures, asking about our safety and that of our respective families in the wake of yesterday’s devastating earthquake and tsunami. The short answer is that all of us are fine even as we remain shaken, both physically and mentally. Even as I write this, some 18 hours after the quake, the incessant aftershocks are a constant reminder that nothing can be taken for granted.

We deeply appreciate the concern for our well-being that all of you have expressed. Thank you!

The above photo is from Dirk’s place. He has a few more at his Flickr photostream.

In accordance with the ongoing situation you may not get a speedy response from us as you are used to. We also are not yet sure about the situation of our suppliers and shipping carriers, but given our respective locations and distance from the areas affected worst, we do not expect not major mid-term issues. Nonetheless please be prepared for potential delays.

The 11th of March 2011 and following days will go down as a very dark period in Japanese history. Please extend your your thoughts and prayers to those affected.