Tomoyuku Sakaguchi was born in Kagawa, Japan in 1969, and currently lives and works in Tokyo. In 1995 Sakaguchi received a Masters of Science from the University of Tokyo before eventually deciding to pursue photography. At the beginning of the decade Sakaguchi attended classes at the Nippon Photography Institute, as well as a workshop run by Masato Seto (Picnic, Binran). Sakaguchi has been exhibiting his work in since 2000, and in 2007 he was a runner-up for the Aperture Portfolio Award. Sakaguchi’s first book Home, from which this photo is taken, was published in 2007 by Sokyu-sha, and garnered him the annual award from the Society of Photography (Japan) in 2008.
Please also see our special gallery of Tomoyuki Sakaguchi’s work.