Drum away boy

Cibachrome Drum

The Megaperls Drum and Base in operational and sleep mode

In my quest for even development of 4“x5” sheet film, I have built an insert for an old Cibachrome print development tank I bought, errr, about 12 years ago. Not only lets that switch me from tray to rotation development (have to build a baseboard with some castors I bought as well), but I can also do the processing with the lights on and don’t have to step into spilled liquids in the dark.
Of course I still have to load that beast in the dark, so let’s see how that goes. At this point it can take four sheets, but I really would like it to take eight. Planned for Mark II then.

Downside is I have to to test out development times from scratch, although the Kodak Xtol sheet gives some times for rotation, however my rotation is by hand and probably fairly uneven, not necessarily a bad thing… I have to think of a motor drive as well, maybe.

Come to think of it, the other good thing about the drum is that I can develop prints in it. Err, that is what it is actually designed for at the first place.